Five Useful Anivia Tips

  1. You are useless before mid-game. The only way to win the lane is if the enemy is more useless than you or you get good ganks. If you fall EVEN MORE behind than you already are, max wall second and farm until you are relevant.
  2. Double proc your Q buy activating it AFTER it hits the enemy and goes behind them. This increases your Q damage by twice the original amount. This should be obvious.
  3. Your ult has deals an extra tick of damage when it turns off. This includes running out of mana. After your initial combo, turn your ult off right before the opponent steps off to deal that one tick of damage that can change the fight. You can also use this trick for farming to preserve mana on the low-health minions.
  4. Your wall DOES interrupt channels and dashes. Use it to disrupt Fiddle ultis, Jarvan swagdashes, Kat ult, Azir Dash, and Vi Q's. If used correctly, you can unravel ganks and also block out the enemy laner from escapes. If this is ranked, do not use this on your teammates unless your main goal is to lose.
  5. The turret counts as terrain. This is EXTREMELY important for chasing and zoning out the enemy in mid to late-game.
    Assuming you have your wall at least level 3, use your wall in conjunction to the tower/tower rubble to make an unpassable wall with only one way through.
    If they aren't Fizz and can't dash over it, aim your q at the direction they are going (usually through the one opening) to almost guarantee a stun.
BONUS TIP: Ban fizz. If he isn't banned, dodge.