8 Advanced Tips for ARAM (Howling Abyss)

I know a lot of people out there who nearly exclusively play ARAM, and these are tips to help out those folks, as well as the more casual ARAM players.
1) Be aware of level advantages. The game can often be decided by which team gets to level 6 first. This means playing cautiously especially for the first few minutes, only engaging when you are certain to win the trade. No more of this Karthus bull crap running in and dying on them because they think theyre helping the team by doing the most damage to champions in the post game stats graph. You won't ever win the game by giving the enemy team a two level advantage.
2) Know what is worth. Lets say a champion on the other team is very low, around 10% remaining health. However, they are surrounded by 4 allies. You are at full health, and recognize an opportunity to dive into the team, and possibly under turret to kill that champion. In many instances, you will not make it out alive, nor will you secure the kill, instead feeding massive amounts of crucial exp and gold to the enemy champions.
3) Treasure your ult and summoner spells, and be wary of the enemy's. Keep track of allied ult cooldowns, and inform them of yours. Making the enemy team burn ultimates and summoner spells will make team fighting much easier. Let's say you are in the middle of the fight, losing health rapidly. If you have a way to heal out of combat (e.g. Garen passive, Sona heals) then by all means escape the fight alive and heal up. Same thing goes for poke-oriented champions that can still work well from far in the back lines. If neither of those applies to you, make the most of your death. Never burn ults or summoner spells to escape a fight if you'll die instantly in the next one down the road.
4) Aim to get as much CS as possible. Many people forget about the importance of last hitting when they see so many champions on the screen. As a team, especially under tower, focus on getting every single minion. This gives your team a crucial gold and item advantage.
5) Remember to buy elixirs. The new elixirs are fantastic for ARAM. Ruin and Sorcery are both great for pushing the lane and taking objectives. Iron gives tanks and carries alike resistance to crowd control effects that otherwise would lock them down in team fights. Wrath is by far the best elixir in ARAM. I highly recommend purchasing one at level 9 (when they first become available). Given the sheer number of kills and assists you are bound to get, the elixir will last for much longer than three minutes. It also heals you off of any physical damage that you deal at all. A wonderful item for bruisers, AD-oriented tanks, ADCs, and AD pokers such as Jayce or Varus.
6) Winning fights in a pushed lane > winning fights while being seiged. Don't be afraid to turret dive in order to ace the enemy team. The turret can only focus one champion at a time, and with the right juggling, poses little to no threat. If your team aces the enemy team under their own turret, it will often result in your team taking their outer and inner turrets.
7) Know the enemy's AD/AP overall damage ratio. If only one champion on the other team is AD, tell your tanks to build all magic resistance and focus on killing that target first. Once that target is dead, the rest should be easy pickings.
8) Communication is key. Know when your allies want to fight, can fight, and will fight given the chance. Offer suggestions to each other for builds. Be open to suggestions, not feeling offended when someone criticizes your build.