Annie Tricks & Tips

Last hit with Q => infinite sustain & high probability of successfuly last hitting
Hide your stun behind an E spell => you'll terrorize the enemy team and especially the enemy midlaner who'll never know when you'll strike
Your auto-attack range is INSANE => use it in lane, a lot
Build DFG and Zonhya first => then you're an amazing engage goddess
The F*** You Annie Combo goes like this : Get 3 stacks > E to enable stun > DFG > R (on escape route) > Q > W + ignite > E > AA > Q all that in a split second
Tibbers Stun range is INSANE => you can do unexpected engage, you don't always need flash to engage with a Tibbers Stun
You can't escape Annie's Q => when you know an enemy is about to flash because he took too much damage, Q him, chances are that will kill him 50 meters away
Yasuo can't windwall Tibbers
You can get stacks on minions, enemies, heimer turrets, yorik ghosts, ... and jungle mobs => more stacks, more stuns
Don't start W to be able to stun level 1 => you can trade way better and do more damage if needed with Q at level 1
Never forget Tibbers after you cast it => Move him, make him tank, catch skillshots, he does massive damage and is incredibly tanky with 2 points in R
EDIT : Some other points I remembered, I updated the combo as well (added ignite and E during burst to prepare the next stun!)
- The best skill order for laning is Q > W > Q > W > E > R > Q : You don't really need E before 5 as a tool to initiate with Tibbers, you want more damage on Q and W on those early levels
- You can use Tibbers Teleport ability to block stuff : if you're too far from Tibbers, he will teleport near you and the important part is, he will still be on the same trajectory. He will just get nearer but on the same straight line. So imagine Jinx ults you or Leblanc chases you with chains, if you move away from Tibbers and/or make Tibbers move away from you enough, he will teleport between you and the ult or between you and Leblanc, blocking the ult/the chainz in the process. Hard to master but very effective. You can also use this to "save" Tibbers as he will teleport safely next to you. You can also mess with people minds by sending Tibbers in a misleading direction and having him suddenly disappear.

I'll add more items to this list as I remember them. I played a serious amount of Annie.