50 Tips how to come a better Supporter, by Xpecial

Tip #01: When learning support, it's better to be a bit overaggressive and die a few times, than to be too passive and not know your limits.
Tip #02: Wards are needed not just for playing passively, but for being agressive too. A 2v3 situation is not a good situation.
Tip #03: One of the best times to engage on the enemy is when they go for a last hit. Every AD will last hit, punish them.
Tip #04: When trading hits, take note of minion wave. Sometimes, minions end up doing more damage than champions. PCM OP!
Tip #05: Good supports know the CDs on their spells. Better supports know their AD's. The best supports know their opponents'.
Tip #06: Summoner spells are expensive. Having summoners up, when the opposing side doesn't is a huge advantage in a 2v2.
Tip #07: The best time to engage is the opponent's worst time to get engaged on, e.g., leveling up before an opponent.
Tip #08: In lane, it's important to take note of not only players' HP, but the opposing lane's MP. (Knowing mana costs is good)
Tip #09: When playing a ranged support vs a melee support, ward the brush they are sitting in and avoid their engages. Harass with autoattacks and spells and remember that their engages have 10+ sec cds.
Tip #10: When against an AD with Cleanse, make sure he use Cleanse on a stun. Exhaust's damage debuff is unaffected afterwards.
Tip #11: When playing a melee support vs a ranged support, aim to hit level 2 first and immediately engage with level advantage. Be very careful with engages afterwards and ward the opposing brush. Avoid getting poked down, try to all-in.
Tip #12: When laning vs an AD with Cleanse and you have a CC ult (Sona, Leona, etc), use your ult asap to blow Cleanse. Cleanse has 210 sec CD, while ults have ~120 sec CD. This gives you a one minute window to ult full effect.
Tip #13: Observe the opposing lane's patterns. If they are passive most of the time and suddenly go aggro, care for ganks.
Tip #14: Keep tabs on opposing wards. Wards only last for 3 min, if you know their wards are down, ask your jungler for a gank!
Tip #15: When on purple side and you want to hit level 2 faster, ask the jungler nicely to start wraiths and you can do wolves.
Tip #16: Autoattack. Use your autoattack! As a ranged, use your spells and your AAs to harass. As a melee, AA when fighting.
Tip #17: Explore new starting options. You can now start Rejuv Bead and Faerie Charm for a faster GP10 or try Flask for high sustain!
Tip #18: Sightstone is actually a gp10. Each ward you dont buy is 75 gold saved...
Tip #19: Decide before the game, if you want to go Philo -> Reverie or just use Flask and Chalice -> Mikael's. Flask AND Philo is too much.
Tip #20: Watch this. No, serious, it's the best tip.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IumG1v7x4bE
Tip #21: Janna hard counters Leona in lane. Janna nados makes it impossible for Leona to engage with Zenith Blade.
Tip #22: Use your Explorer Ward for temporary vision. Its perfect for warding the enemy lane brush or to secure a buff level 1.
Tip #23: It can be okay to use stuns on tanks. If your AD kills their tanks faster than their AD kills your tanks, just kll the tanks!
Tip #24: The Biscuteer mastery potion is the only pot, that stacks with a HP pot/ Flask. When in a sticky situation, dont forget to use it! (Note: This tip isn't correct to 100%.)
Tip #25: Having trouble landing Nami's Q in lane? Predict where the enemy AD will stand to last hit a low HP minion and shoot the Q there!
Tip #26: When you use Help, Pix! on an enemy, Pix goes behind them. If they move back, Pix stacks on top of them and your Q will land 100%.
Tip #27: Damage is calculated, when the attack lands. When Ashe uses Volley you can still Janna shield for bonus damage, until Volley hits.
Tip #28: If the world is about to end, you better have Revive as a summoner spell. (Joke)
Tip #28: When playing Soraka and you expect a Flash + ult, you should preemptively use silence. once he Flashes in range, he's instantly silenced. (Real)
Tip #29: Blitzcrank's Rocket Grab actually fires from his right hand. This means if you position correctly, you can hook around minions!
Tip #30: Lulu's E is one of the few spells that gives vision of invisible targets, making her Akali's worst nightmare.
Tip #31: When playing Blitz vs a target with an escape, use Power Fist or Static Field and immediately Rocket Grab to deny the escape.
Tip #32: When fighting 2v2 bot, vision inside the brush is important. Losing sight of a low HP enemy causes unecessary dmg by facechecking.
Tip #33: ADs typically have a longer CD on ther summoner's. Season 3 patch inceased summoner CD's, but added CDR for those with Utility!
Tip #34: Many skillshots have a range slightly beyond the range indicator. knowing the full range of Blitz Q and Zyra E is rather important!
Tip #35: Control the minion wave. If there is a huge wave pushing towards you, autoattack it a bit to think the ranks and allow easier CSing. If, however, there is a huge wave pushing towards them, push the wave to the tower before backing, or you'll lose waves.
Tip #36: When enemy targets you, they will have an orange outline. If a Taric is strafing and randomly glows orange, I know its a gank.
Tip #37: Janna shield is a funny spell. In lane the shield is good to block dmg. But in fights, the AD is worth much more than ~300 HP.
Tip #38: Try turning Line Missile Display on/off. It's inaccurate on Blitz, but super necessary for Lulu. Play around with it!
Tip #39: Sightstone should ALWAYS be bought and be either the first or second item (first would be early Philo or Ruby Crystal for HP).
Tip #40: It's typically better to get a half charged Nunu ult on 4 or 5 enemies rather than a fully charged ult on 1 or 2!
Tip #41: When you are playing with a Thresh, please fucking pick up the lantern. Thanks.
Tip #42: When using Dark Passage on Thresh, lead your target by throwing the lantern where they will be in a sec, not where they are now.
Tip #43: Free harass is best harass, if you can get a single attack off and not take any damage in turn, that's the best possible trade.
Tip #44: Use brush to surprise with spells. Champs like Zyra and Thresh have long wind-ups, so cast while hidden for a higher chance to hit!
Tip #45: If you want to check if a brush is warded, stand in it when minions are near. If they have vision, you will autmatically attack.
Tip #46: When trying to all-in vs a Vayne past lv6, remember to have a vision ward ready or else you'll have an extremely hars time winning!
Tip #47: Leona's Q resets your attack, but has a long animation. Take advantage of this by moving immediately after Q for another auto.
Tip #48: When playing support Alistar, do consider using some mana Regen runes. I actually think his mana costs are kinda silly! =P
Tip #49: Always hover over players' summoner spells when you hold Tab and determine if they have summoner spell CD. Never get surprised
Tip #50: Be nice to everyone in solo queue, if you want to win, or else they might decide to troll you during your promo series! ;)
Xpecials Twitter: https://twitter.com/TSMXpecial
Xpecials Guides on http://www.solomid.net/guides.php. He has Guides for: Alistar, Quinn and Valor, Sona, Nami, Leona, Lulu, Janna, Thresh, Vi, Zed.