5 Useful Akali Tips Part 2

1) Your Q will remain on an enemy target longer than its cooldown, so when trading, land a Q, wait for it to come off cd, go in and proc your first one, then immediately Q and proc the second.
2) Your Twilight Shroud provides vision, so if an enemy flashes over a wall, throw your W over and ult to them. Alternatively, if you are being dived in mid, W over the wall to Raptors and ult to safety.
3) When tower diving, wait for a minion wave first, because then once you have killed your target, you can simply ult back out to the minions after.
4) Normally hextech is your only item with AD, but don't be afraid to invest more heavily into hybrid. Vs a veigar? Take QSS, and upgrade into merc scimitar later. Don't want to continually spend money on an elixir? Take red pot which resets by 30s after each kill (if you're fed these can last almost endlessly, so are super gold efficient!).
5) Void staff does more damage than deathcap on Akali. I don't just mean it's more gold efficient, I mean it actually provides you with more damage to champions, so get it 100% of games!
Bonus itemization tip: People always argue over deathcap vs lichbane (assuming you have hextech, boots, void, zhonyas and a def item). Deathcap will give you the most damage, so take this most of the time, unless you are playing top akali with TP, where you might want to go lichbane for split-push presence. Alternatively, get no def item and take both.