Annie Tricks & Tips

Last hit with Q => infinite sustain & high probability of successfuly last hitting
Hide your stun behind an E spell => you'll terrorize the enemy team and especially the enemy midlaner who'll never know when you'll strike
Your auto-attack range is INSANE => use it in lane, a lot
Build DFG and Zonhya first => then you're an amazing engage goddess
The F*** You Annie Combo goes like this : Get 3 stacks > E to enable stun > DFG > R (on escape route) > Q > W + ignite > E > AA > Q all that in a split second
Tibbers Stun range is INSANE => you can do unexpected engage, you don't always need flash to engage with a Tibbers Stun
You can't escape Annie's Q => when you know an enemy is about to flash because he took too much damage, Q him, chances are that will kill him 50 meters away
Yasuo can't windwall Tibbers
You can get stacks on minions, enemies, heimer turrets, yorik ghosts, ... and jungle mobs => more stacks, more stuns
Don't start W to be able to stun level 1 => you can trade way better and do more damage if needed with Q at level 1
Never forget Tibbers after you cast it => Move him, make him tank, catch skillshots, he does massive damage and is incredibly tanky with 2 points in R
EDIT : Some other points I remembered, I updated the combo as well (added ignite and E during burst to prepare the next stun!)
- The best skill order for laning is Q > W > Q > W > E > R > Q : You don't really need E before 5 as a tool to initiate with Tibbers, you want more damage on Q and W on those early levels
- You can use Tibbers Teleport ability to block stuff : if you're too far from Tibbers, he will teleport near you and the important part is, he will still be on the same trajectory. He will just get nearer but on the same straight line. So imagine Jinx ults you or Leblanc chases you with chains, if you move away from Tibbers and/or make Tibbers move away from you enough, he will teleport between you and the ult or between you and Leblanc, blocking the ult/the chainz in the process. Hard to master but very effective. You can also use this to "save" Tibbers as he will teleport safely next to you. You can also mess with people minds by sending Tibbers in a misleading direction and having him suddenly disappear.

I'll add more items to this list as I remember them. I played a serious amount of Annie.

5 Aatrox tips

Before I get into it, I would like to point out I'm a full on aatrox main and have 500 ranked games under my belt as him. I am writing this very serious post so I could invite more people to try him out and understand him better. Disclaimer- I am not the best at this game. I am only Plat Elo. But I started playing this game this season and got placed in bronze 2 and climbed all my way up. Right now I have won 300 and lost 220 games as Aatrox.
  1. Use Aatrox's level 2 and try to win lane. If you play your cards, you can almost certainly hit 2 before your enemy laner because of your e. With the minion advantage you can almost guaranteed get a level 2 or level 3 kill. I kid you not I went on an 18 game first blood streak in the gold ELO.
  2. Your q is your bread and butter ability. Not your w but your q. It offers so much utility. Best way to utilize is not to engage with it tho but instead think of it as a sticking to your target mechanic. Sure the knockup is really important because it helps you stick to your target. As I say that make sure to save your Q. If you are close to your target try to save it until you can get a clean knockup. Plus the more health you have lost the less damage your abilities will do to you.
  3. Alot of people will tell you that a general rule of thumb is to blood thirst on less than 50 perc and blood price on more than 50 perc health. However, that is just a guideline. For example in teamfights unless you have your third w proc on I would advise against using blood price. Once you sustain through most of the spells and cooldowns targeted on your team and you feel it is safe to do so you can switch to bloodprice.
  4. Unless you are behind. Mid game a giants belt is all you need for defense. Trust me on this. I have went through all these build paths. But a giants belt is all you need. My reasoning - mid game alot of people will not focus you down during a dragon fight - its natural they will go for your carries. Unless you get completely focuse the only person that can delete you is the enemy mid laner. And giants belt helps absorb that initial burst. You can sustain through an entire fight if not properly focused with just a giants belt. If you check in most of my matches I will have all these offensive items but just one giants belt even sometimes during late game.
  5. There are ways to utilize your ult. If it is safe to do so or is a guaranteed kill then you can use this combo on an enemy adc or apc. Have your 3 w proc ready. Q ult R (blade active) and E if you have a clear shot. You will guranteed burst down a squishy. But if there backline is crowded and there is a chance I will get CC locked if I dive in I tend to make sure that someone else on my team hard engages. And If I dont have that then I use my ult e and q to kite off the enemy engage onto my backline. That is I try to stay in the backline but dont absorb damage but instead help put out more damage onto the enemy engager. One final note: I tend to play a relatively squishy aatrox. That works out for me though. My sample build is Blade-Hydra-Maw-Merc-LW-RANDUIN. I can peel really good for myself and carries and out put alot of damage.
-Another thing I prefer Maw over spirit visage. Granted I do not revive with alot of HP and also tend to have less HP but I get alot more AD through the passive and stats and also a sheild that again saves me from one of my biggest counters (burst) and really amplifies my under 50 percent health healing. I hope this helps.

5 Useful Akali Tips Part 2

1) Your Q will remain on an enemy target longer than its cooldown, so when trading, land a Q, wait for it to come off cd, go in and proc your first one, then immediately Q and proc the second.
2) Your Twilight Shroud provides vision, so if an enemy flashes over a wall, throw your W over and ult to them. Alternatively, if you are being dived in mid, W over the wall to Raptors and ult to safety.
3) When tower diving, wait for a minion wave first, because then once you have killed your target, you can simply ult back out to the minions after.
4) Normally hextech is your only item with AD, but don't be afraid to invest more heavily into hybrid. Vs a veigar? Take QSS, and upgrade into merc scimitar later. Don't want to continually spend money on an elixir? Take red pot which resets by 30s after each kill (if you're fed these can last almost endlessly, so are super gold efficient!).
5) Void staff does more damage than deathcap on Akali. I don't just mean it's more gold efficient, I mean it actually provides you with more damage to champions, so get it 100% of games!
Bonus itemization tip: People always argue over deathcap vs lichbane (assuming you have hextech, boots, void, zhonyas and a def item). Deathcap will give you the most damage, so take this most of the time, unless you are playing top akali with TP, where you might want to go lichbane for split-push presence. Alternatively, get no def item and take both.

5 Akali tricks & tips

I am not sure how much of this is basic knowledge and if this is actually useful, just wanted to share something I learned by playing a lot of Akali.
  1. Mark enemy, wait until cooldown comes up, then go in. This works because the mark lasts longer than the cooldown therefore you can activate 2 marks. I recommend activating the first one with autoattack and the second one with E, since you are going to be on the move after your combo and don't want to stick for the long autoattack.
  2. Use your shroud to chase or evade enemies. Since the latest changes it gives movement speed to Akali so whenever you are ganked, just pop the shroud for extra speed. You can also drop it in the path of enemies chasing you since it slows them a bit. Be careful thought because Shroud needs a lot of energy.
  3. If you are on low health in lane, use Q on minions and autoattack it after. Akali has built in spellvamp and generally builds gunblade first so you will have decent sustain. Be careful because some more experienced players will go for a trade after your Q cooldown is up.
  4. Save your ult charges when needed. In lane it is okay to always have 2 charges, but don't spam it too often. All your main damage comes from Q mark popping and focus on that. If you can pop it with autoattack or E, do it. No need to waste charges if your enemy is close because he might flash / dash away the next second and you will have to wait the cooldown.
  5. Be patient. This is very important as playing Akali. Don't go all in on the tank, just wait for either of the team's initiation and wait for the important CC abilities to go down on your teammates. After that find the best target you can burst down, then go for the next one. This is where Zhonyas comes into play. In Zhonyas you can wait for all your abilities to come back and for your team to back you up. Sometimes if the enemy tank has extended too far, you have to focus him down with your team but other than that always go for low hp targets.
I hope I helped someone to master the champion since she is one of my favourites. Please forgive my basic English. Give feedback and add your own tips or correct if I got anything wrong. Thank you!

Five helpful Ahri tips

Well, Ahri is my fiancée, and she allowed me to share those with you. I can say u're lucky.
0. Ahri swings with her ult. Ult available = Green light. Ult on cd = Red light.
  1. Always do your best to proc q's true damage. The more important it is, the more ressources u must use.
  2. Use your three ult charges mindfully. The ult lasts for quite long, wait for a specific spell to dodge, wait for your frightened opponent to come back to you, wait for flash, and so on...
  3. Don't rush the charm, especially in a crowded place, save it for when it's really crucial.
  4. The full combo is R>DFG>E>Q>W>R.
    E>DFG is only worth against heavy hp stackers (yes, charm enhances DFG's active dmg)
  5. Are you low hp ? Get your passive ready and use q on as many minions as you can.
Firefox is for casual games, Dynasty is for serious games, Midnight for tryharding, Popstar for raging/to feel korean. Do not ask why.

Five Useful Anivia Tips

  1. You are useless before mid-game. The only way to win the lane is if the enemy is more useless than you or you get good ganks. If you fall EVEN MORE behind than you already are, max wall second and farm until you are relevant.
  2. Double proc your Q buy activating it AFTER it hits the enemy and goes behind them. This increases your Q damage by twice the original amount. This should be obvious.
  3. Your ult has deals an extra tick of damage when it turns off. This includes running out of mana. After your initial combo, turn your ult off right before the opponent steps off to deal that one tick of damage that can change the fight. You can also use this trick for farming to preserve mana on the low-health minions.
  4. Your wall DOES interrupt channels and dashes. Use it to disrupt Fiddle ultis, Jarvan swagdashes, Kat ult, Azir Dash, and Vi Q's. If used correctly, you can unravel ganks and also block out the enemy laner from escapes. If this is ranked, do not use this on your teammates unless your main goal is to lose.
  5. The turret counts as terrain. This is EXTREMELY important for chasing and zoning out the enemy in mid to late-game.
    Assuming you have your wall at least level 3, use your wall in conjunction to the tower/tower rubble to make an unpassable wall with only one way through.
    If they aren't Fizz and can't dash over it, aim your q at the direction they are going (usually through the one opening) to almost guarantee a stun.
BONUS TIP: Ban fizz. If he isn't banned, dodge.

Seven Ashe Tips

We all played Ashe once and we all bought Thornmail on her, so here are a few tips to avoid stupid things like this :)
  1. Your passive will also make Stattik's damage crit. That's a lot of damage when having both passive + Stattik up on the first hit. Can also be useful for clearing a wave.
  2. Harras with Volley without damaging minions. You can do that by standing slightly behind and beside of your minions since Volley is a cone.
  3. In fights use Hawkshot on the enemy, he might mistake it for Enchanted Crystall Arrow and waste flash.
  4. With one or two points in Frost Shot some champs can still outrun you (hi, Blitz!). Don't chase too far early.
  5. When chasing, using Volley won't stop you as long as autoattacking.
  6. Your range is high enough to stand behind your minions while farming. Avoid poke or hooks this way.
  7. Also your range is higher than most marksman's so you can actually kite them with Frost Shot if they don't have a jump (Tumble doesn't count as jump here).